I worked with Argos throughout their digital transformation as a part of their design function, working across a range of their digital touchpoints from web and app, through to in-store kiosks.
Key projects led to a 4.9% increase in conversion, with a 5.3% increase to revenue per visitor (RPV) amounting to a revenue uplift of £42 million.
#UserResearch #UsabilityTesting #GuerillaTesting #Prototyping #ProductDesign #Workshops #Management #Leadership
New Product Description Page
Argos wanted to update their main Product Description Page (PDP) to a fully responsive solution instead of living in the old world of running two sites (mobile and desktop) side by side.

They also wanted to use this piece of work as a precursor to the rest of the site going fully responsive, so testing the updates and new technologies being used was of paramount importance.

With these changes it was also an opportunity to redesign the various features of the page to better improve customer experience. Be it from the overall layout and look and feel of the page, to fundamentally how things work.
How it started
The team participated in a Google Week, during which a functioning prototype was sketched up, designed, built and finally tested with customers across a five day period.
Idea generation
Card sorting exercises and crazy-eights formed the early part of generating ideas for the new page, all backed up with solid UX fundamentals.
UI Design
Based on the agreed approach, the UI was designed and built ready for testing at the end of the week. This testing would then be the catalyst for the evolution of the page moving forward.
What we did
The initial Google Week and data gathering informed the following principals for the page design;
Shorter page length
The page should be much shorter than the old version and more focussed, allowing customers to better make their way through the page without the need to process too much information. To achieve this, the idea of having content blocks (product description / reviews / etc.) partially collapsed was decided upon. These blocks would give a teaser of their content allowing customers to expand them if required. 
Concise headings
Concise headings to make the page as functional and clear as possible. 
Make use of whitespace to break up the page content using the Bootstrap framework as a base.
Two-column layout
Two column design showing informative content and purchasing journey.
Key features
Complex maps detailing the user journey across multiple touchpoints.
Responsive design
I put together the displayed flow map to illustrate the intended journey through the new checkout experience.
Store locator
A brand new, cross platform store selector making use of interactive maps to help customers find their nearest store.
Special offers
A new facility for building special offer bundles with an emphasis on cross breakpoint scalability 
Collapsed view
The old PDP was crammed full of so much information, when printed out it was over 6 feet long! Through customer and competitor research I found that collapsing the various section of the page made it easier to digest as well as make it quicker to find the details that customers want.
increased by 4.9% on mobile and 3.9% on desktop
Revenue per visitor
increased by 5.3% on mobile and 1.9% on desktop